Work sample:

Documenting Atrocities Against Asylum Seekers Crossing the Mediterranean Sea

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The denial of safe sea passage for asylum seekers crossing the Mediterranean Sea has jeopardized the safety of asylum seekers. Yet in 2017, the full impact of the EU-Turkey Agreement on the lives of those seeking refugee was still poorly documented and addressed.


Demonstrating refugee arrival numbers through data visualization

Drawing from data collected by Lighthouse Relief’s rescue teams in Lesvos, I developed data visualizations that demonstrated the high number of people seeking refuge in Greece. These products sought to challenge the popular notion that refugee arrivals had halted after the EU-Turkey Agreement - when, in reality, it had only forced people to endure even more unsafe conditions to seek refuge.

Informing human rights watchdogs of atrocities committed at Europe’s borders

Lighthouse Relief’s Emergency Response Team in Lesvos witnessed the ongoing deterioration of refugee rights on the Mediterranean Sea, including violence from maritime authorities and the persistent interference of sea rescue operations. I supported efforts to document these abuses and share them through social and traditional media channels.

I also guided the team in informing international human rights watchdogs of these atrocities, to ensure they are not left unseen. Additionally, I helped draft and issue joint statements with other international organizations in Lesvos that called for maritime authorities to uphold their obligations under international humanitarian law.


Generating Media Attention on the Needs of Refugees in Greece


Supporting Global Health Campaigns