Work sample:

Promoting responsible media & storytelling in humanitarian emergencies


The process of storytelling efforts is just as important as the end product, and must make every effort to protect the safety, privacy, and emotional well-being of communities affected by humanitarian emergencies.


Promoting respectful media coverage in humanitarian emergencies

I lead journalist trainings on interviewing and working with girls and women affected by humanitarian emergencies. During these sessions, I provide guidance on human-centered storytelling that ensures consent, avoids re-traumatization, and upholds the safety and confidentiality of communities affected by disaster.

Strengthening the storytelling capacity of international organizations

I also provide training and strategic counsel to Women Deliver’s international humanitarian partners - including the World Food Programme, Crisis Action, and others - to enhance their capacity to elevate women’s voices in a responsible way. As part of these efforts, I conduct comprehensive assessments of these partners’ communications materials to evaluate gaps and opportunities for strengthening their gender portrayals and representations. The above webinar is an example of an online training I led on storytelling with a gender lens for humanitarian advocacy.


Elevating the Expertise of Grassroots Women's Organizations from Lebanon


Supporting Publications on Feminist Humanitarian Action