Work sample:

Elevating the expertise of grassroots women’s organizations



Grassroots women’s organizations in humanitarian settings are overlooked leaders who must be heard and seen at international decision-making tables.


Generating media attention for grassroots women’s movements

I support women leaders in humanitarian settings to write and publish op-eds, articles, and technical publications that highlight their perspectives. I also work to secure interviews for them in popular outlets for the international humanitarian community. Secured placements include in The New Humanitarian, Global News Canada, Reuters, Inter-Press Service, Devex, the ODI Humanitarian Exchange Magazine, NPR, and others.


The Women Deliver Humanitarian Advocates Program provides training to Lebanese, Syrian, and Palestinian women’s organizations to become stronger and more visible advocates at the international level. As the communications lead on the team, I develop multimedia campaigns to help elevate the needs and expertise of these overlooked leaders in humanitarian action.

Strengthening communications capacity within grassroots women’s organizations

I work with grassroots women’s organizations in Lebanon to assess their communications capacity, and provide custom trainings based on each partner’s articulated needs. This includes guidance on messaging development, public speaking, speech-writing, digital media, press relations, and networking. Partners then use these skills when they are invited to participate at international forums.

The above is an example of a webinar I led for over 80 grassroots organizations working in crisis settings on how to effectively advocate at the global stage, including during COVID-19 when international travel is limited. The webinar was an opportunity for grassroots organizations to share and learn best practices for advocating for more localized and feminist humanitarian aid, including how to craft messages and build campaigns for impact. Participants joined from Lebanon, Jordan, Liberia, Ghana, Colombia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and beyond.


Promoting Responsible Media & Storytelling in Humanitarian Emergencies