Work sample:

Championing investments for health workers during the 2014 Ebola outbreak


The 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa exposed the fragmented health systems in the region - but also provided a pivotal opportunity to highlight the need to invest in stronger health workforces.

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Contributing to research and thought leadership on West African health workforce strengthening

I supported the development of reports and thought leadership pieces that made an investment case for global health workforce strengthening. This included contributing to the research, editing, and dissemination of the Frontline Health Workers Coalition’s analysis on Scaling Up the Health Workforce in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea Amid the Ebola Epidemic, which was commissioned to a leading expert in global health funding.

I also helped members of IntraHealth International’s leadership team to draft blogs and articles that summarized the organization’s response to the Ebola outbreak and core advocacy asks for the international community. This included synthesizing emerging data on the crisis, providing writing guidance, and ensuring advocacy messages were conveyed in the most compelling ways.

Spotlighting the heroism of local health workers in West Africa

I developed multimedia content for IntraHealth Internation and the Frontline Health Workers Coalition that spotlighted the heroes at the heart of the Ebola response: local doctors, nurses, and epidemiologists. The podcasts, videos, and blogs I produced were shared with U.S. decision-makers and audiences - including at congressional hearings - as part of broader advocacy efforts to encourage greater American foreign aid to global health systems strengthening.


Supporting Global Health Campaigns


Highlighting Attacks Against Healthcare in Conflict-Affected Countries