Work sample:

Highlighting attacks against healthcare in conflict-affected countries

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2015 saw an alarming rise in attacks against health workers, hospitals, and medical equipment in countries affected by armed conflict, but data and accountability to address these issues were limited.


Advocating for landmark UN resolutions condemning attacks against healthcare

I also supported advocacy efforts to key UN missions to push for new UN General Assembly & UN Security Council Resolutions that called for greater protection of healthcare in conflict-affected countries. This included assisting with advocacy mapping strategies, messaging for bilateral meetings with UN missions, planning briefing events, and disseminating information about the resolutions once proposed. These efforts contributed to the passage of both resolutions - marking the first time the international community made a bold statement condemning attacks against health workers and hospitals in war zones.

Supporting research & documentation on attacks against healthcare in war zones

On behalf of IntraHealth International, I served as a steering committee member for the Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition, an alliance of international organizations advocating for the protection of healthcare in countries affected by war and unrest.

I supported the team in drafting the 2015 Global Report on Attacks on Health by writing case studies on the scale of the problem in the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. This required synthesizing dense datasets collected by field-based researchers on this issue into compelling narratives.

Once published, I also supported the dissemination of the report, including assisting in facilitating a feature for it in The New York Times.


Championing Investments for Health Workers During the Ebola Outbreak